our services

Successful Businesses

Successful Businesses

our services
To increase your sales opportunities

Our Goal -

inquire with the team

You love to speak but lack the time to book yourself. We’ve heard it before!

With a step-by-step process, we work to get you on more stages so your message gets out.

Start Your Inquiry Here

Sales calls take time, a good script and a clear understanding of your offerings. 

Using our near 20 years of experience, my group and I become your “sales team. ” 

Request More Information 

Getting your product(s) on large retailers’ shelves is tedious work. 

We’ve done it, though, and we know the steps to get line reviews and decisive conversations.

Which best describes your business? 

Our Services

You’re a dreamer and a doer. You may not be a salesperson, though. And every business must make sales to be viable - to pay yourself, your employees and your vendors.
That’s where my company and I come in.

I’ve been in sales for nearly 20 years - from popcorn at the theaters to classroom furniture to weddings at a venue to national products sitting in the big box stores right now. 

With each experience and new company, I’ve developed systems to streamline their sales process and make it repeatable. A hint here, a system for sales is a must. It’s what most businesses are missing. It’s even more important than a great salesperson!

My company and I help you get your products, services and even yourself (speakers, I’m talking to you!) in front of the right people. And we use systems to do that. 

You can be innovating and focusing on your product or service while my team and I do the tedious work of creating a sales system for you. 

Let’s sell some shit.

Together, let’s grow your business even more. 

we know sales.

about us

Hi, I'm Sarah Mae Dickinson

brands that have chosen us